so I worked on those this week. one more R2D2 hat finished (heavily modified to work with hdc)
but I am determined this monster will not be forgotten. it will be completed... just not in two weeks like I had originally given myself.
a couple of things came up. 1st) I've found myself re-reading Harry Potter. I saw movie 7 a couple months ago and it has kind of lingered with me.
and 2nd) I had enough of my bathroom being atrocious and before I knew what I was doing I had ripped down the wall paper off of half of my bathroom.
funny how I can't stand the ugo bathroom but I am all keen to make the ugliest blanket on the face of the Earth.
"how awful can it be?" you ask.

it's surprisingly warm and comfortable - and ugly so mission accomplished. okay not exactly accomplished since it isn't finished yet. but it is coming along as planned - mostly- so it's fulfilling it's requirements.
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