The Roman Sock is my very favorite. she has free patterns that I have worked on. in fact I've made most of her free patterns and I love them so much.
she has other patterns for sale. and everything is just down right adorable. give her a try, she's awesome
so I've been noticing all these wonderful critter hats and I've made a sock monkey hat (I have yet to photograph) and I've wanted to make an owl for a long time, but I just couldn't get the inspiration. I don't really like the color scheme for the trendy hats (lime green and hot pink) to me that just doesn't say 'wise old owl'
so a couple of weeks ago I was looking through my yarn stash, trying to make some more room, and these colors just leapt out at me but the eyes and beak were another story.

I really the eyes make this baby hat and more silly grown up hat. I love it, even though I somehow made the eyes look a little maniacal.
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