I am in dire need of a good old stash bust. I have so much yarn here that it is just taking over everything. it doesn't really work for any projects I have in the works and not for anything that I am planning. my next big planned project is the White Tree of Gondor blanket I will be making my daughter for Christmas. but I need very specific colors for that, not to mention very LARGE quantities. so I need to make room.
therefore it is my time to bust a stash. and what better than the ugliest of all ugly zig zag afghans.
don't get me wrong... I like zig zag afghans, but because I only have the bohemian collection of colors right now, ugliness is what is going to happen - not really even whimsical bohemian...
so I've started. it is currently 7.5 ft wide ~ or long, depending on how many rows I feel like putting on it.

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